It’s important to consult a home improvement professional who can correctly identify mold and mildew and apply the appropriate cleaners to kill the mold and mildew before applying paint to a surface. In addition, depending on the specific cause and location of the problem, it may be necessary to apply caulking or other types of sealers to prevent recurrence of the mold and mildew.
Potential health-associated symptoms of mold exposure include respiratory problems, asthma and allergic reactions. Thus, it’s important to eliminate mold and mold spores inside the home by professionally cleaning the affected areas and irradiating the source of the moisture. Once the source of the moisture has been identified and corrected, it may be necessary to take additional measures to maintain a mildew/mold-free environment. Such measures may include increasing ventilation in a kitchen, bathroom or basement, using a dehumidifier, installing an exhaust fan or adding insulation. By consulting an expert, you will receive the correct advice to ensure that the problem will not only be eliminated for the short term, but will not return for the long term.
Mold can grow on a variety of surfaces including wood, carpeting, paper, food and more. In people who already have asthma, the presence of mold has been found to trigger asthma attacks. Therefore, an individual with asthma should avoid exposure to molds. When excess moisture exists in a home, there is cause for concern about indoor air quality, since excess moisture provides an ideal breeding ground for the presence of microorganisms; that is, mold spores.
The medical reactions to mold exposure may vary from one individual to another. Some people are more sensitive to mold than others. If a person is sensitive to mold but does not actually have asthma, exposure can cause nasal congestions, coughing, throat irritation, headache, sneezing, wheezing itching and redness of the skin or eye irritation. More severe reactions may include shortness of breath or fever. A person who has been diagnosed with chronic lung disease could develop obstructive lung disease or an actual mold infection of the lungs if exposed to mold.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “one-third to one-half of all structures have damp conditions that may encourage the development of pollutants such as mold and bacteria, which can cause allergic reactions – including asthma – and spread infectious diseases.” And they have further determined that “moisture control is the key to mold control.”
Therefore, the inspection of your home for signs of mold, moisture, leaks or spills is considered of key importance by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and they recommend that the source of a water problem should be fixed and that prevention measures should be taken to eliminate the potential for growth of mold.