Steps to Tree Removal

The most common reason for these magnificent natural growths to be removed is the onset of disease, their death, or a compromised structure because of damage caused during a storm. If trees are in imminent danger of toppling over and destroying property, they must be removed as soon as possible and preferably by a professional. Other reasons to cut them down include interference with power lines, other trees, building height, or driveways.

During the tree removal process, a professional will first check the surrounding area for obstacles that may be damaged as the tree falls. He or she will take into account which way the tree naturally leans, since this is the direction it will most likely fall. Sometimes, large branches should be removed first, and then the entire structure is cut at the stump. One important aspect is the formation of two escape routes – one to be used if a natural fall occurs and a second if it begins to fall the other way.

The size of the tree will determine the type of tool used for tree removal. A chain saw is the typical tool of choice for large trees, and a handsaw can be used for small ones.

Two cuts are used to direct trees to the ground. An undercut is a 90-degree, V-shaped cut, which is made on the side which should lead the fall. Then, if necessary, a backcut is made on the opposite side to release any tension that may be preventing the fall.

Once the main part has fallen, you’re left with a stubborn stump which must be removed from the ground. There are several options that can be used:

A sharp spade, pruning saw, or pick can be used to dig up the stump and its roots. This method is by far the hardest, but it is very effective for stubborn roots.

Holes can be drilled throughout the stump and chemicals poured into the holes to speed decomposition. This method is fairly easy, but takes time for the chemicals to work.

You could also choose to leave the stump and let it decompose naturally. Who knows? Your kids may love having this extra “toy” in the yard!

Finally, you can choose to incorporate it into your landscaping. It can be used as a bird feeder when you hollow out an area to fill with seeds. How about a planter? Hollow out an area to fill with soil and seeds. Besides, leaving the stump will remind you of the leafy green friend who used to reside in your yard.