Lead Free Brass


Detractors of lead free brass may express their belief that there is not sufficient cause to be concerned about lead leeching into the water, but you won’t find many who downplay the effects of metal poisoning from this particular material. It is a serious matter and it is one the U.S. Government has made a priority when creating new regulations. If you live in an older home or even if you are installing new plumbing, there are good reasons to make sure you aren’t exposing yourself or your children to danger.

The Effects

No one is at greater risk from poisoning than children and unborn babies. Any family should do everything they can to make sure the smallest and most defenseless members of their household are protected. If this means installing lead free brass fittings in place of older styles, then that’s what you must do. Studies and reports have shown that over 300,000 young children every year are measured to have unsafe lead levels in their blood. Symptoms of poisoning can include headaches, stomach problems, behavioral issues, and slowed brain development. Families are advised to not only talk to their doctors about plumbing issues but to also examine other potential sources of this dangerous metal throughout their house.


The human body is accustomed to moving metals and minerals throughout the body. It has to be if it is to shuttle calcium, iron, and other minerals to the places they need to go. Unfortunately, when it comes to this distribution mechanism, the body can tell no difference between these minerals and harmful metals. The use of lead free brass can prevent the body from being exposed to a metal that can damage the body’s red blood cells and bones, which can create a host of problems. Talk with both your doctor and a plumbing specialist about making your home as a safe as possible.