The Positive Aspects of Ground Source Heat Pumps
- No pollution is created when using these pumps
- No toxic gases or other emissions are produced by these devices
- The supply of energy for these devices is always available. You never have to worry about the rising cost of the fuel or the depletion of the supply of fuel
- They are low maintenance systems
- These pumps can provide the heating and cooling needs of the structure. They can also heat the water supply for the structure.
- The energy that these devices use to create warmth in the structure does not cost you anything.
- The constant temperature supplied by these systems makes the structure be more comfortable for the occupants
- When there is a power failure from a severe storm you will not worry about how you will provide heat to your home.
The Drawbacks Associated with Ground Source Heat Pumps
- These pumps can be very costly to install. The initial cost of these items will eventually be compensated by the savings that are seen in the utility bills.
- The structure that uses ground source heat pumps to provide the warmth needed inside will need to have good insulation in place. This makes some older homes poor candidates for these units without the owner adding more insulation to the existing supply. Adding more insulation to a home can be a very costly procedure.
- You will require adequate space to install these pumps. Some people have to use boreholes in order to install the necessary pipes with these devices. Boreholes require you to have soil that can be drilled into for quite some depth without real difficulty. These holes are then considered by some to be unfriendly to the environment they are in because they can destabilize the ground they are in.
- These devices do use refrigerants to make them capable of cooling a structure and over a period of time these refrigerants can leak into the ground.